You Will be Unrecognizable (If you do these for 50 days)
To achieve everything in life the most important thing is Consistency; Consistency refers to the quality or condition of being consistent, which involves acting or behaving in a steady and predictable manner. It implies a harmony of actions, attitudes, or outcomes over a period of time, without significant fluctuations or variations. Consistency can be applied in various contexts, such as behavior, performance, decisions, or the quality of something being uniform or constant. In general, it involves maintaining a stable and reliable standard.
“Think of yourself as dead, you have lived your life. Now you take what’s left and live it properly” Marcus Aurelius
These 7 actions I took made all my loved ones say that I’ve changed (in a very positive way), and even I, personally, couldn’t imagine it was me, I couldn’t imagine that I became a new version of myself. If we continue to apply them without ever stopping, we will certainly become the master of ourselves.
#1 Workout : If your body is fit and healthy, so will your mind be, if you feel fit, you can deal with stress much better
#2 Do what you say you are going to do : People don’t respect people who are all talk and no bite. If your word is your bond, they’ll think twice about messing with you if you tell them to quit.
#3 Stop caring about what other people say : They don’t live your life so they’re not entitled to judge you. When you’re not bothered by their BS, they’ll get scared.
#4 Control how you react : If you allow people to trigger your emotions, you give them power over you. Choose wisely who you give this power to.
#5 Invest in yourself : Knowledge + Skill = Power. If you’re getting better everyday, no one will be able to touch you. That’s how you can beat them: Rise up so high they can’t reach you with their crap anymore.
#6 Stop competing with people : You can’t beat others at their own game. You can only compete with yesterday’s version of yourself. If you’re better today, you’ve already won.
#7 Build a future : While others gossip about irrelevant crap… Build your legacy, make an impact on the word and focus on what matters most to you.